Hypnosis is used in the treatment of pain, depression, anxiety, stress, habit disorders, and many other psychological and medical problems. The decision to use hypnosis as an adjunct to medical, psychotherapeutic, or psychiatric treatment can only be made in consultation with a qualified health care provider. In addition to its use in clinical settings, hypnosis is used in research, with the goal of learning more about the nature of hypnosis itself, as well as its impact on sensation, perception, learning, memory, and physiology. Researchers continue to study and validate hypnosis in the treatment of physical and psychological conditions.
Hypnotherapy has proved effective with phobias, anesthesia, and especially attitude behavior modifications. It creates the all-important positive attitude necessary for everything from attaining one’s goals to speeding healing. Hypnosis can enhance learning, develop motivation, build confidence, and improve relationships.
A highly competent hypnotherapist working with a client of average suggestibility can bring about significant achievements. Relaxation is induced to relieve the pressures of stress at home and at work, or to alleviate insomnia. Additionally, problem habits can be brought under control. Examples of typical problem habits include smoking, overeating, and unwanted mannerisms.
Hypnotherapy is emerging as an exceedingly valuable discipline in helping people achieve their goals and objectives.